Become a Volunteer for Bone Marrow
Become a Volunteer for Bone Marrow

Every year, thousands of people with leukemia, other blood diseases, and immune disorders reach a point where the only possible...

Nutrition tips for Kids
Nutrition tips for Kids

8 Healthy food tips to improve your child’s nutrition. Healthy foods have nutrients that are important for the growth and...

NEWSLETTER NO 23; 12 May 2022

Not enough time for a full class? No problem! If you need fitness, but do not have enough hours in the day to do a full group...

Hypertension Awareness Month
Hypertension Awareness Month

What is hypertension? Blood pressure is the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of the body’s arteries, the...

Minor Membership
Minor Membership

At Maties Gym, parents can add their children onto their membership at no additional cost. One minor can be added per paying...

TB Awareness
TB Awareness

10 facts about TB 1. Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs It can however also affect other...

Benefits of a Health Lifestyle.
Benefits of a Health Lifestyle.

A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that make you happy and feel good. For one person, that may mean walking a mile...

Pregnancy and Exercise
Pregnancy and Exercise

What are the benefits of exercise during pregnancy? Exercising for 30 minutes on most, or all, days can benefit your health...

Detect Cancer Early – Be Proactive
Detect Cancer Early – Be Proactive

Detect Cancer Early – Be Proactive According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer control objectives are best achieved...

Starting the Year Healthy

So, another New Year has come around again and the first thing most of us do when the 1st day of the year hits is set some...