Detect Cancer Early – Be Proactive

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), cancer control objectives are best achieved through a multi-faceted approach for reducing the risk for cancer.
Food, nutrition, physical activity and body composition all play a role in increasing cancer risk, or if managed correctly, reducing cancer risk. Diet and leading a balanced lifestyle, therefore, play a significant role in reducing the risk of cancer.

Going for regular screening, being vaccinated against viruses that increase cancer risk, and knowing your own body and family’s medical history is also important.

Here are some tips to detect the early onset of Cancer:

  • Know your body and recognize changes, seek professional medical consultation if symptoms persist.
  • Teach your children to know their own bodies & be aware of the symptoms of cancer.
  • Know your family history and risks.
  • Do regular self-examination for breast, testicular, and skin cancers, especially if there is a family history of cancer
  • Known risk factors & symptoms of colorectal cancer.
  • Have regular check-ups and screening tests for cancer.
  • Get all prescribed vaccinations, especially vaccinate against hepatitis B and human papillomavirus to reduce the risk of liver and cervical cancer.
  • Model a healthy and balanced lifestyle for your children.