A Vitality Fitness Assessment is a comprehensive evaluation of an individual’s overall health and fitness and is made up of two parts – a cardiorespiratory fitness test on a watt bike or treadmill and a strength and flexibility test, consisting of a battery of 7 tests, both of which together can give you a well-rounded understanding of your fitness level.  You will also get corrective exercises to improve areas of weakness and limited range of movement to help prevent injuries and improve your functionality.

The goal of a Vitality Fitness Assessment is to provide individuals with a clear understanding of their current fitness level, identify areas that need improvement, and create a personalized fitness plan to enhance overall vitality and well-being.

If you are 18 years and older and on an active Vitality membership, you can go for the Vitality Fitness Assessment where you earn Vitality points.  If you have a cardiovascular condition or any other high-risk factors, please obtain clearance from your doctor before continuing with this assessment.  It is your duty to disclose any medical condition to the selected biokineticist, and to ensure that you are medically fit and able to complete the Vitality Fitness Assessment.  Make an appointment for the assessment with a biokineticist in the Vitality Wellness Network – you can find the list on www.discovery.co.za

Vitality 65+ members can also choose to do a Vitality Functional Assessment.  This assessment gives members 65+ an accurate and personalised understanding of their physical function and falls risk.

You can earn up to 7 500 Vitality points a year for doing your Vitality Fitness Assessment.  You can earn 2 500 Vitality points for doing the assessment and your Vitality points can be boosted up to 7 500 based on your fitness level.  Factors affecting your Vitality Fitness Assessment result:

  • Heart rate response score
  • Strength and flexibility score
  • Weight status

You will earn the following boosted points based on your fitness level:

  • Level 3 – 1000
  • Level 4 – 2500
  • Level 5 – 5000

If you don’t reach level 5 you have the option to complete the assessment again later in the year. Points will be awarded based on the best result in the year and up to 7 500 Vitality points if the second results are better than the first. You will only be awarded additional Vitality points if your assessment is performed at least 90 days apart. This allows sufficient time for you to address your underlying risk factors and take steps towards improving your results. The Vitality Fitness Assessment points contribute and are subject to the maximum fitness points of 30 000.

A cholesterol and glucose test are not part of the Vitality Fitness test but can be measured during a Vitality Health Check.


Important points to remember:

  • Your Vitality points will be awarded within seven days of completing your assessment.
  • To verify your membership, your biokineticist will need to use your ID number, entity number or policy number.
  • If you are taking heart rate suppressing blood pressure medication such as beta-blockers, you would only be able to do the wattbike test for the cardio component of the test. Please check that the Biokineticist has a wattbike when you book you assessment.
  • If you have any questions or queries regarding your results, please contact your biokineticist. Your ID number will be used to investigate your query.
  • Members are required to complete a consent form before doing the Vitality Fitness Assessment.

If you have any questions or need more information, please visit www.discovery.co.za